by Grace Fox
One of my dear friends was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last week. Another was released from the hospital after a five-week stay for encephalitis. A third battles a malignant brain tumor. And the list goes on.
My human bent tends to feel anxious about what the future holds for these women. How will they and their families cope as they face the giant of suffering and uncertainty?
My human bent fears for my own family, too, but this giant bears a different name: financial insecurity. Gas costs more than eight dollars per gallon where we live. Filling the tank practically requires a bank loan. Filling a cart with groceries nearly requires a second mortgage—if you’re able to afford a home, that is.
My kids are grown now with children of their own, and it’s easy for my Mama Bear heart to worry. What does the economic future hold? How will my kids make ends meet if prices continue to soar?
Perhaps a greater cause for anxiety is our culture’s moral decline. I have fourteen grandchildren, and I fear society’s influence on their souls. When the time comes for them to leave home, will they remain true to Jesus and His values, or will they conform to the world’s standards instead?
The fear giant looms large for many people. Perhaps you can relate. Maybe it has robbed you of a good night’s sleep, tied your stomach in knots, and made your head throb and your muscles ache. If so, you are not alone.
When the fear giant threatened to consume the population during the pandemic, I dug into God’s Word to find verses that showed me how to fight it. That’s when I discovered a weapon that’s proven life-changing. That is—understanding and applying the power of God’s names.
In Old Testament times, God manifested His nature through His names. Like a diamond’s facets, each name reflects a particular aspect of His character so we can better understand who He is. The more complete our understanding of His character, the better able we are to trust Him. Learning to trust God more fully gives us courage to face the fear giant.
Here are three of God’s Hebrew names to remember when the fear giant casts its shadow over you:
El Elyon – “Most High God”
This name declares God to be ultimate in supremacy, sovereignty, and authority. He is the Creator of heaven and earth; therefore, everything belongs to Him and He has the right to do with it as He deems best. He is the boss, and He always has the final say.When the fear giant struts toward us, let’s remain steadfast, grounded in the truth that God is in control of every detail of our lives. What He says will happen, happens. Because of who He is, He is the final authority. Nothing stops Him from fulfilling His promises and purposes, and those purposes are always good.
Take that, fear giant!
Yahweh Rohi – “the LORD is my Shepherd”
This name reveals God as the almighty Creator who cares for us as a shepherd cares tenderly for his lambs. But there’s more. For instance, the verb “is” denotes God as present-tense. He’s with us every moment of every day to protect, comfort, and guide.
When I feel afraid, I envision God cradling me in His arms as Scripture describes: “…He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart....” (Isaiah 40:11 NIV) The fear giant can’t touch me when God holds me tight.
Be gone, fear giant!
Yahweh Yireh – “the LORD will provide”
This name means more than the obvious. God not only meets our needs, but He sees in advance what those needs will be and then meets them at precisely the right time. He perceives our thoughts and feelings about those needs and enters our experience as He provides for them.
God’s power over our needed provisions stretches beyond the material. He also supplies wisdom, comfort, guidance, discernment, peace, joy, and perseverance.
The apostle Paul wrote, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). Let’s recall this promise when the fear of not having enough intimidates us, and let’s find courage in knowing God is the infinite source of whatever we lack.
Get lost, fear giant!
Scripture mentions fear more than 350 times because God knows it’s a big deal for us, but He also gave us the key to victory over it. Understanding His nature as revealed through His names, and then choosing to live from the truth transforms us from cowardly to courageous. He’s given us a powerful weapon, so let’s pick it up and use it to topple the fear giant.

Grace Fox is a career missionary and award-winning author of 14 books including Names of God: Living Unafraid. She’s also a member of the “First 5” Bible study writing team (Proverbs 31 Ministries), and a co-host of the “Your Daily Bible Verse” podcast. She lives fulltime on a sailboat. To learn more, visit www.gracefox.com