by Michelle Medlock Adams
I have written more than one hundred books over the course of my career. Some of those books were assigned, meaning I didn’t choose the topic, I just did the research and wrote the copy. Others were written to fill a void or meet a need. Still others, like my latest children’s book, Our God Is Bigger Than That! that I coauthored with Eva Marie Everson, were birthed out of a crisis. Those books are more than just books; they are testimonies.
You see, the declaration, “Our God is bigger than that,” became my battle cry when our oldest daughter, Abby, was diagnosed with HELLP syndrome in the final trimester of her pregnancy with our first grandchild. She delivered baby Bear a month early, with serious complications. Abby was admitted to ICU as the medical staff tried to find the source of her blood loss, and our newborn grandson was rushed to the NICU where he faced his own battles. Meanwhile, my sweet mother-in-law Martha was fighting for her life at a hospital four hours away with my husband by her side. It all seemed too much as I collapsed in the hospital hallway that August day in 2017. Feeling desperate and overwhelmed with all that was happening, I called my close friend Eva Marie, who had been a nurse before becoming a writer, and asked her to explain all of the medical terms being thrown around. One by one, I told her the doctors’ concerns regarding Abby, Bear and Martha, and then I shared all of my greatest fears. Eva listened and then softly said, “I’m not going to lie to you. These are some big obstacles, but our God is bigger. He is bigger than all of that.”
Instantly, her words filled my heart with hope and courage, and I boldly said, “Someday, we’re going to write a book with that message.” And so, we did. Our children’s picture book released on July 19, 2022. But that book was birthed on August 18, 2017, in a hospital hallway in Lexington, Kentucky.
From the moment Eva spoke those words to me, “Our God is bigger than that” became the battle cry for my whole family. Abby was able to go home to heal after two weeks in the hospital, and Bear joined her after another week. And my sweet mother-in-law went home to heaven the following month. Eighteen months later, Bear was diagnosed with a small tumor on the base of his brainstem, and again, our battle cry became: “Our God is bigger than that!” We continue to declare that as we stand courageously with our grandson.
In fact, we say (sometimes through tears and gritted teeth), “Our God is bigger than that!” every single time we encounter a challenge. Whether it is a family situation, a financial crisis or a health scare, that same declaration applies. When I’m really in the midst of a battle, I find myself saying, “Our God is bigger than that!” aloud, all throughout the day. Just hearing those words coming from my mouth builds my faith. You know why? Because the Word of God tells us that “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17).
It's my hope that whatever challenge you’re up against today, that you’ll grab hold of this declaration, “Our God is bigger than that!” and face your fears head on. I stand with you, but here’s the really good news—the King of all kings stands with you—and He truly is bigger than anything you’re facing right now, and any situation you’ll ever encounter.
Say it with me: “Our God is bigger than that!”

Michelle Medlock Adams is a New York Times bestselling ghostwriter and an award-winning author of over 100 books including, Dachshund Through the Snow and Dinosaur Devotions. Michelle is married to her high school sweetheart, Jeff, and they have two married daughters, six adorable grandchildren, three diva dogs and two kitties. www.michellemedlockadams.com