“The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.”
Isaiah 40:8 NIV
The grass was lifeless, crunchy, and brown. The trees had already started to lose their leaves, and it was only August. Flowers wilted, and the ground was nothing but dry dirt. The previous winter was unseasonably warm with very little snow. Spring had been practically nonexistent, and summer was day after day of relentless, scorching heat with very little rain. It was a drought with no change in sight.
Sometimes our lives feel just like the grass—dry and listless. Maybe we’re in a season where things seem to stand still, and we’ve tried everything to change our circumstances for the better to no avail. It is during those times that we need to remember the faithfulness of God and the permanence of His Word. His promises to us are many and true! God will never leave us or forsake us; and He will provide for, love, and protect us. And, just like the drought, eventually our personal dry times will give way to a time of growth, refreshment, and beauty.
Dear Lord, help me to remember Your love during difficult times of dryness. Even though it’s sometimes hard to hear Your voice or be patient during hard times, please remind me of Your many promises, and remind me to stand firmly on them. You are everything I need and the refreshment I seek. Praises to my living water! Amen.
Taken from Restorative Devotions for Women
About the Book
Overflowing with memorable Scripture selections, encouraging meditations with faith-building takeaways, and heartfelt prayer starters, Restorative Devotions for Women will help guide you on the path to spiritual renewal and healing.