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The Key to Trusting God

by Becky Harling

Trusting God is a lifelong journey and at times it feels a bit ethereal, doesn’t it? We think we’re doing great at trusting God until tragedy or trials hit. But when cancer or job loss or broken relationships happen, we feel like we’re free falling. We wonder, “Is God really as good as He claims to be? And if He is, why is He allowing this suffering in my life?”


Ah, the good news is that we’re not flying solo through life. Even when life goes belly up, we are tethered to Jesus who promised that He would never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). The question then, is how do we cultivate deeper trust so that even when life feels hard, we are able to rest in God’s goodness and grace?


The key lies in knowing His names and understanding what those names teach us about His character.


The Psalmist wrote, “Those who know your name trust in you” (Psalm 9:10). Each name for Jesus gives us a deeper glimpse into His character. The more we understand His names, the deeper our trust will grow. The more we internalize His character, the more we are able to rest in His goodness.


Four of the greatest names for Jesus are given to us by the Prophet Isaiah who identifies Jesus as “The Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). I don’t believe these names are just to be celebrated at Christmas. After all, don’t you need wisdom every day? Don’t you need the Mighty God to part the waters of difficulty in your life regularly? Aren’t you glad you have an Everlasting Father who loves you completely? And who could argue with needing the Prince of Peace to quiet our anxiety daily? This prophecy though often celebrated at Christmas, provides insight into the character of Jesus which we need every day of our lives. Particularly, when life is challenging. Trust me, I know those days!


There was a season in my life when it felt like everything fell apart: cancer, a move across the country, job loss and relational problems. I certainly felt like I was free falling. During that season, I decided that I would dive into understanding the names of Jesus and I would try to internalize their meanings. I studied the names of Christ and also incorporated worshipping Him for the character revealed in those names. One of the most effective ways I did this was by praising Jesus for His names every day. As I praised Him, using His names, the Holy Spirit strengthened my faith to believe that His character was good. He quieted my fears and calmed my anxiety. Here’s what I know. He can do the same for you!


When life is falling apart, friend, use the names of Jesus in your praise time. Cling to them. Rehearse them in your mind. Remember, Jesus is the Wonderful Counselor, He bends down to listen to every cry of your heart and promises to give wisdom for every situation. He is the One who is Mighty God and is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all you can ask or imagine. He is the Everlasting Father—a good father, who loves you eternally and provides for you completely. Finally, He is the Prince of Peace who is able to calm your anxious heart and quiet your fears. You can rely on His goodness. When you feel like you’re free falling, He’s got you tethered. Lean into Him and relax.


Lord Jesus, I long to trust You more. I praise You that learning to know your names is key to growing faith. Thank You that when life feels difficult and disappointing, You are the Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace. Help me to lean back and relax in You, believing that You do all things well.

A best-selling author, Becky Harling has written 15 books. She is a popular speaker at conferences, retreats and other events. She has been a guest on many media outlets including Focus on the Family, Family Life Today and Moody radio. Becky is the host of, The Connected Mom Podcast. Connect with Becky


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